Well, I moved to Chicago, IL with my husband and dogs in November 2011. It was 4 weeks after I had a hysterectomy, 2.5 weeks after my grandfather passed away and 2 weeks before I returned to work full time. This year I didn't celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) or Christmas for that matter.
I'm really struggling with the big changes, especially returning to work full time. I find myself struggling with the work/life balance in the opposite way that I used to. I more frequently want to miss work because there are so many things happening in my life that I feel are much more important. I feel disconnected to family and friends and it's frustrating.
In some ways the year off that I took in 2011 was the greatest thing that I have ever done. In other ways it was possibly the worst idea ever. I learned so much more about myself and my values, the things that are truly important to me. I realized that work, in the conventional sense, is no longer at the top of my list. Instead I value life's experiences more.
Tomorrow is my 1 month anniversary back at work. It also marks yet another week that I haven't done any work for myself. I have't painted in months... I feel the passion for my business starting to slip and that makes me so sad. I love expressing myself through creating and I need to make time to create more beauty in the world to offset the tragedy. I need to start working with another organization to make someones life better and through that act my own will be better.
I am actively searching for another job, I would love to be in the non-profit sector somewhere. If you know of a great opening that would suit me please feel free to message me!
My New Year's Resolution List:
*make time for beauty, serenity, love and compassion each week
*wake up with the goal to make 1 person's life better each day
*collect 400 pairs of shoes for Soles 4 Souls (beating last years total of 364)
*raise more funds and awareness for Susan G. Komen than I did last year
*register with RAW Chicago and get a show in before June
*make time to create at least once per week
Until next time, I send you into the world with the challenge to make time for beauty, serenity, love and compassion every week. <3